Citation of a Poem in APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard

If you are currently working on a literature or language assignment, the chances are that you have to cite excerpts from plays, poems or novels. If you are citing a poem, that you came across in a book, you have to abide by the authentic citation conventions. However, citing a poem in Chicago style is way different than APA style, and this is what we are going to examine in this blog.
How to Cite a Poem in MLA?
If you are interested in citing a poem in MLA, you should stick to the following template:
The Last Name of the poet, First Name of the poet, "Title of the poem" Publication date of the poem (if available) Title of the website, Name of the Website Publisher, URL, Accessed date
For instance: Ropes, Alec, “Epigenesis” 2000 Greatest Short Poem Collection, Accessed 1 September 2020
The above-mentioned citation is as per the MLA 8 convention.
Citing a Poem Found in a Book
However, if you are citing a poem in a book, you have to follow the template specified below:
Last Name of the poet, First Name of the poet. “Title of the Poem.” Title of the Book, Name of Publishing Company, Year of publication, page number or page range.
For example Stephanie, McCarthy, “Love Lost” 2007, Red Dominant Press, 2011, p. 5
Citing a Poem in an Anthology
If you wish to cite a poem in an anthology, you should stick to the following citation structure.
Last Name of the poet, First Name of the poet. “Title of the Poem.” Title of Anthology, edited by Editor’s First and Last Name, Publisher, Year of anthology publication, page number or page range.
For instance: Davidson, William. “Soothsayer, Predict My Destiny”, Poetry Collection, edited by Jonathan Allen, Now4Press Inc, 2006, p.30.
Hopefully, you now have a clear insight into the MLA citing of a poem.
Citing a Poem in Chicago Style
Next, we will take a look at citing a poem in Chicago style. Just observe the citation template below.
Last Name of the poet, First Name of the poet, Name of the poem, Title of the Essay/Text/Book, page number, edited by the editor's first and last Name, Place of Publication: Name of the Publisher, URL. Year of publication,
For example: Robertson, Emma. “If Only I Could.” In Selected Poems, 6-7 Edited by Emily Hollander, New York: Library of America, 2010.
This is an example of citing a poem in an essay. The same format is applicable for an anthology. However, if you struggle to cite a poem, you can take the help of the online citation generators.
How to Cite a Poem in APA?
If your assignment requires you to cite a poem in APA, it is imperative that you abide by the citation format given below.
Last Name of the poet, Initial of the First Name of the poet, Year of publication, Name of the poem, Title of the text, page number, Name of the Publisher, URL.
For example: Lage, J. (2019), “Everything will be Fine” Anxiety Attacks Can be Treated through Counseling, p. 12, AV Press,
This is an instance of citing a poem in text. If you want to cite a poem from a book or a play, just include the title of the book, or the play. Do not forget to provide the URL.
Citing a Poem in Harvard
Citing a poem in Harvard is distinct from the rest of the citation styles. Citation of poems covers the names of the editors or the tile of the anthology to maintain the author-date format. The format has been specified below.
Last Name of the poet, First initial of the poet, Year of Publication, “Title of the poem” Title of the Collection/Text/Anthology, Place of Publication: Name of the Publisher, page number.
For example: Elizabeth, E. (2003) ‘A Sunday Afternoon’ in Evergreen Poems Series. Seattle: Washington Library, pp. 14-16.
As you can see, it is quite easy to follow the Harvard citation customs. Nevertheless, if you find the citation task to be daunting, you are more than welcome to take the help of the online citation machines. Or, you can ask your peers and teachers to assist you.
In conclusion, you must remember the citation format before you start citing a poem. The more you practice, the more you will get accustomed to it. And always verify the citation with the result from a citation machine.
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