How to Cite a Blog in APA, MLA and Chicago Style Citation Guide

Are you wondering how to cite a blog in APA, MLA formatting, or the Chicago Manual of Style? Proper citation proves that you have researched enough to establish a credible argument. Scholars will take your ideas more seriously after you cite them accurately.
Learn how to use citation styles for online articles, journals, books, and more from this guide laid out by the experts of TopHomeworkHelper.
What Does It Mean to Use Citation Sources in Chicago, APA, or MLA style?
A citation is the practice of providing credibility to the individual for their creativity and intellectual works when we are taking their ideas. It maintains the authenticity of the entire document. They can be journal articles, research papers, title pages, or any other form of writing. Generally, the citation is used with the author's name, date, location of the publishing company, journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifier). However, there are different types of citations available for academic disciplines. Let's check the major citation styles below:
Chicago Manual of Style: The University of Chicago Press has been publishing usage guides since 1906. The Chicago Manual of Style is used in fine arts, history, and business. It is considered the standard for US style in book publishing.
- APA: APA is the American Psychological Association. This style is used for psychology, science, and education-related publications and databases. Readers can easily grasp the information shown by this citation style.
- MLA: MLA is an abbreviation for the Modern Language Association. Humanities use this style. The latest MLA handbook, the 9th edition of MLA formatting, was published in 2021. The MLA in-text and works cited citations remained the same as in the 8th edition.
- Ieee Citation: IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is an organization supported by many branches of computer science, information technology, and engineering.
TopHomeworkHelper assists students in such confusing matters. Our citation and subject matter experts are ready to provide academic writing assistance. So, whether you need science homework help, physics homework help, or help with your history homework, we are here to help. We have many writers to clarify your doubts about citations.
How Do I Cite a Blog Post in APA, MLA, and Chicago Style?
Writing a research paper that maintains a proper article title, quotation marks, date of publication, and page numbers requires time and a clear concept of citation. We assist students in such matters. There is confusion related to Chicago vs. APA vs. MLA citation. Let's check in detail with examples:
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day post was published). Title of post. Title of Blog. URL
Example: Marlowe, Christopher. (1705, March 5) Chicago manual of style. The Archive.
MLA in Text Citation:
Author's Last Name and the Page Number
Example: Marlowe 198
If you don't find a page number, include the last name only in the bracket.
Chicago Style Citation:
Chicago Style blog post citation can be written in this citation format - using (1)notes and bibliographies or (2) author-date method.
Notes and bibliographies: A list of bibliographies will also be included, along with a set of numbered footnotes and endnotes to cite the source. These are all commonly used in the humanities.
Author-date: In-text citations with a list of sources in the bibliography should be used to cite this source. You can use it in science and social science-related subjects.
If you still find it confusing, visit TopHomeworkHelper. We provide customized essays according to university guidelines of the citation style you have to follow.
How to Provide Parenthetical Citation for an Organization's Blog Post?
A parenthetical citation is a way to provide credit in parenthesis to a source that we are paraphrasing or quoting. It maintains academic integrity in citations. It contains the name of the author, the date of publication, and the page number. This can be used in
- MLA in-text citations: According to the Modern Language Association's guidelines, in-text citations explain author-page citations. The parenthesis describes the author's last name, page number, and page range.
- APA citations: APA in-text citations contain the author’s last name, the date published, a page number, or a page range. Use a comma between the separated elements.
- Chicago Manual of Style: The parenthetical citation of Chicago uses author-date citations. It describes the author’s last name, the date of publication, a page number or page range. The usage of Chicago author-date style and Chicago style bibliography is different. Include a comma for each segment but not after the author's name.
What Changes in Citation Styles Have Been Made to the Latest Version?
Citation styles change based on the needs of academic writing and publishing standards. Here is the list of the latest versions from the previous versions, which are formatted differently:
MLA format website: The latest 8th edition of the MLA handbook was published in 2016. It is based on the documentation of digital publication. A set of guidelines has been provided for writers to understand the source. You can include URLs normally as per the guidelines. Digital object identifiers (DOI) can be used in MLA citations. No quotation marks are used for unknown information for placeholders.
APA cited page: The APA publication manual introduced the 7th edition of APA citation. There is no need to include the location of the publisher in this reference. As APA works with multiple citations, there is no need to include all of those from now onwards. You can simply include one author's name and “et al.” Always mention this within quotation marks. The label of DOI is not required anymore.
Chicago Manual of Style: The latest Chicago Manual of Style is the 18th edition. The section 'headline style' has been changed to 'title case.' The location does not need to be mentioned in the bibliography style and citations.
Are you looking for someone for MLA, APA, or Chicago-style citation help in your essay writing process?
Why are Citations to Sources Needed?
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Using MLA citations builds authentication by providing credibility to the source material. Writers can protect themselves from plagiarism. Referring to the MLA handbook can help you learn more details about MLA citing, MLA format, MLA bibliography, page number or page range, and publication dates. Always provide credit for the source from which you are taking ideas. While working on a research paper or blog, avoid uncredited use of sources generated by other writers.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Understanding the concept of citing sources is important to complete an essay. APA is mostly used to participate in scholarly communication. It enhances academic engagement in conversations and knowledge. Staying ethically shows professionalism in any career. So, maintaining authenticity is important. When taking ideas from other sources, paraphrasing, or summarising, give credit to the author.
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)
This style is generally used for historical and humanities research. A historical research paper requires historical evidence and multiple sources to prove it. Including parenthetical information engages the reader more while reading. This style is also known as the Turabian style.
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TopHomeworkHelp is one of the top online homework-help platforms for academic assistance. Students face challenges every day due to heavy pressure in their studies. So they come to us for solutions. For example, You have been assigned to write a researched paper where you need to use a title page, MLA format bibliography, in-text citations, page numbers, etc. But you don't have experience in how to cite sources of multiple authors, how to include quotation marks, and what is about MLA bibliography format. In such a confusing situation, you can contact us to complete your essay or research paper. We also provide customized solutions after proofreading the whole content. Our online tutors provide online exam help to smoothen the academic journey of a student.
APA, MLA, Chicago Style: A Final Checklist
APA Final Checklist:
- Running head: Requires manuscripts being submitted for publication
- Page numbers: Start from numbering at "1'.
- Chapter title: Write at the top of the first page.
- Double line spacing: Include double line spacing throughout the text.
MLA Style Checklist:
- MLA essay format: This includes the article title, title page, in-text citations, page numbers, bibliography style, date published, works cited, notes, and bibliography.
- Margins: 1 inch at the top, bottom, left, and right of each page. (p. 1).
- Typeface: Standard font between 11 and 13 points
- Text spacing: Keep one space after punctuation marks.
- Page title: Keep it centered on the page. Put one double-spaced line after the header.
Chicago manual of style Final Checklist:
- Title page: Include the title, subtitle, several lines of spacing, your name, course information, and date. Align it centrally between the page margins.
- Bibliography style: To cite reliable sources, create a bibliography section on a separate page and arrange it alphabetically.
TopHomeworkHelper can help you learn more about citations. You can gain knowledge about bibliography entries, Chicago-style bibliographies and citing sources or full citations.
How to Make a Works Quotation Marks?
Quotation marks are punctuation marks that mark quotations or citations in a sentence. They can be double quotations or single quotations, and both have different functions in a blog. Quotation marks play an important role in a blog, as documentation is an integral part of research and creating content.
We need to use quotations when writing an example or quote written by another author. For example:
- Single quotation mark: The woman asked the boy, ‘Where are you going’?
- Double quotation mark: “It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.”(Henry David Thoreau).
You can use quotations for non-literal meaning. For an example:
- Yes, you’re a “genius” all right.
When we introduce uncommon terms or technical words in our content, we should use quotations for better understanding. For example:
To include quotes, use ‘use cmd+shift+.’
Always include brackets when writing about the original creator, author, website, or publication to avoid plagiarism. This provides credit to the authorized person. The use of quotations varies between citation styles. When you mention an essay title, book title, page title, or website title, you can use quotation marks in your writing.
In the blog mentioned above, we have discussed APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations and the details of citing sources. TopHomeworkHelper assists students in completing their homework with quality assignment writing services. We are ready to provide you with homework help and guidance to ace your grades.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I cite a blog in APA format?
Many students come to us to learn how to cite online sources in APA style. APA stands for the American Psychological Association. You need to include the author's name, date of publication, page title, and website name along with the URL. TopHomeworkHelper can guide you more to learn about citing a blog in APA format.
What is the MLA citation format for a blog?
MLA stands for Modern Language Association. MLA format for blog citation is like this: Author or Screen Name. "Title of Blog Post." Name of Blog, Blog Network/Publisher if given, date of post, URL. We accessed day month year.
How should I cite a blog using Chicago-style formatting?
Chicago Style blog post citation should be utilised like either the (1) notes and bibliographies or (2) author-date method.
The citation structure for the (1) note should be like this:
First Name Last Name, "Title of Blog Post," Blog Title (blog), Publisher/Sponsor of Blog (if applicable), Month Date, Year of post, URL.
The citation structure for the bibliography should be like this:
Last Name, First Name. "Title of Blog Post." Blog Title (blog). Publisher/Sponsor of Blog (if applicable), Month Date, Year of the post. URL.
What do I do if there are no publication dates for the blog post?
Blog posts are usually dated. So, first, confirm that no date of publication is mentioned. Then check the abbreviation (n.d) in the parenthesis where the date would normally go in your citation.
Do I need to include the full URL in my citation?
Searching for the mentioned cite in your research papers is time-consuming. Mentioning the full URL directly converts to the web page. That also saves time. If you include DOI, you can skip to incorporate the full URL.
How do I format in-text citations for a blog post?
Use citations of parenthetical while mentioning the entire blog. You can format in-text citations like this:
Author or Screen Name. "Title of Blog Post." Name of Blog, Blog Network/Publisher if given, date of post, URL. We accessed day month year.